Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Along the Pacific Coast Trail... (unfinished)

This painting, for sale, is based upon an original landscape photo of mine taken in the Eastern Sierras along the Pacific Crest Trail near Mammoth.   I simply fell in love with the view from here, as distant as it was.  I'll let you Sierra Club people tell me which mountains (and glaciers) these are:

The cowboy was added when I realized I would have loved to have been on horseback and come upon this view back when very few traveled this route!   There is still some work to go on this one.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

* SOLD * - Vintage Western style...

I previously painted a cowboy piece in the style of a vintage Western-genre illustration I saw in a store long ago, and recently decided to create another piece in a similar style to sell.

Above is a photo of that first piece (painted in acrylic at 5" X 10")... below it is my newest in oil at 8' X 10" from an MP-4 video still.